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Iran is a key test of American leadership. Biden should take this window to act
In “Why America Must Lead Again” (Foreign Affairs, March/April 2020), President-elect Joe Biden promised to renew American leadership by returning to the source of American power — its democratic traditions, commitments and partnerships. The Biden-Harris foreign policy plan, “The Power of Our Example,” makes democracy the touchstone of American foreign policy. It’s truly vintage de […]
Beyond sanctions and strikes: A new Iran strategy
With the Iran nuclear deal on the verge of collapse, it is lethal for diplomats gathering in Vienna to entertain illusions about Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s worldview. Rather than assume that the only alternative to diplomacy is the military option—with strikes against Iran’s nuclear program raising the risk of an Iran war—it is time for a […]
Confronting Made in China is crucial to America’s leadership
The United States faces a strategic adversary in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is challenging our political, economic, industrial, and educational systems. In response, Congress and the administration have taken steps toward adopting Made in America policies to reduce U.S. dependence on Chinese manufacturing and rebuild our competitive edge. We must ensure that these […]
Biden gets it wrong on Iran policy
Sadly, Biden’s idea of American leadership, while rooted in compassion for the Iranian people, contains the seeds of capitulation before the Iranian regime.
Op-ed: Iranian people must forge a path to a constitutional democracy
Change is coming to Iran as surely as it did to the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and South Africa. Our fixation on Iran’s nuclear program should not blind us to tectonic, demographic, political and economic shifts that signal the end of clerical rule in Iran.
Op-Ed: The U.S. can’t bomb Iran’s regime out of power
The ayatollah can’t be bombed out of power. Such attacks only would strengthen his position and enable him to further crush opposition at home while enriching the regime’s power elite. Notwithstanding the regime-approved tears many have shed in staged funeral processions for General Qassem Soleimani, the vast majority of tears shed in Iran are silent prayers for change.
The message of the Iranian protests: ‘The ayatollah must go’
The United States had become complicit in a deal premised on recognizing the peaceful intentions of a theocracy that, in practice, murders and massacres its own people. In the name of avoiding conflict, the United States recognized an ayatollah who puts a blade above the ballot box, a bullet in the U.N. Charter and a bomb above all humanity.
Op-ed: War with Iran is just the conflict Russia and China want
A war between Iran and the United States will give the Chinese government greater leverage to demand even more lucrative deals that will exploit Iran’s already dire economic chaos. Russia, too, is anxious to leverage Iranian desperation to its advantage.
Op-ed: Republicans are not warmongers
Republicans — and many Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi included — recognize that an Iran war would be a gift to Iran’s supreme leader. It is a bait America and its allies should not take. As with the Iran-Iraq war, the ayatollah will consider the martyrdom of another generation of Iranian youth by foreign powers a divine blessing — an opportunity to resurrect the fundamentalist myth of the United States as the Great Satan.
Op-ed: New Zealand shooting reminds us to see the common humanity we all share
Terrorism is born of hate and fear. It builds with grievances both real and imagined. And while very few people will ever rise to the level of violence, we must be ever vigilant to not let the same fester in our own hearts. Long before someone will point guns, they will point fingers. We may say in truth that we will never go so far down the path that we will become terrorists, without realizing that we are on the same road.
Carnegie meeting on “Where Is My Oil?” looks at corruption in the Islamic Republic
Khosrow Semnani spoke at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington D.C. on Oct. 30 about how Ayatollah Khomeini’s ideology laid the foundation for corruption in Iran’s resources by denying the sovereignty of the Iranian people.
Omid for Iran announces the publication of the “Where Is My Oil?”
Iranians Face ‘A Trillion Dollar Toll’ From Government Corruption in the Oil and Gas Sector, Groundbreaking Study Finds
As Iranians experience a deteriorating economy, sinking currency, and rising joblessness, a new study published by Omid for Iran and the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics lays out a clear and devastating case of widespread corruption in Iran’s oil and gas sector. This corruption led to the loss of more than $1 trillion to the wider economy during the Ahmadinejad presidency alone and continues to contribute to the ongoing suffering of the Iranian people.
Khosrow Semnani Discusses Open Letter to Pres. Trump
Doug Wright Show, KSL Radio, March 22, 2018 10:37 a.m. Khosrow B. Semnani speaks with KSL’s Doug Wright about the open letter to President Trump and members of Congress which ran on March 20, 2018 in the Washington Post.
Nowruz Letter to President Trump and Congress in Washington Post
Download Nowruz Letter to President Trump and Congress – English PDF متن نامه سرگشاده به مناسبت نوروز خطاب به رییس جمهور آمریکا دونالد ترامپ و اعضای کنگره – Persian PDF Dear President Donald Trump and Honorable Members of Congress, Today, March 20th, Iranians celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year, an ancient ceremony that ushers in […]
Op-ed: Trump and the Iranian people
By Khosrow Semnani For the Deseret News Published: January 4, 2018 1:10 pm Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ended 2017 with a taunt that he may live to regret. In response to the Trump administration’s adoption of a hardline policy toward the Islamic republic, including the refusal to certify the nuclear deal, the Ayatollah […]
My view: Hatch reclaims moral high ground on Iran deal
Those who think that the nuclear agreement with Iran’s supreme leader will blunt Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s equating religion with fanaticism and terrorism must have missed the Ayatollah’s latest tweet. Tweeting from Tehran this week, the Ayatollah once again called for the destruction of Israel, declaring that “God willing, there will be no such thing […]
The Next Chernobyl?
The showdown over Iran’s nuclear program is likely to accelerate in 2013 as sanctions tighten, Israel threatens military strikes, and the centrifuges keep spinning. While most attention will be focused on the two most oft-discussed sites of uranium enrichment — Natanz and Fordow — a third site on the gulf could prove to be this year’s most dangerous nuclear wild card.
The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran
For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, various UN Security Council resolutions, the number of Iranian centrifuges, IAEA safeguards, compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, diplomatic negotiations, red lines, U.S. and Israeli attack scenarios, possible Iranian responses, the impact of a nuclear Iran, and so on.
Khosrow B. Semnani’s Interview on KCPW
Between President Obama’s stern warnings toward Iran and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bomb diagram at the United Nations, there’s plenty of talk of attacking Iran’s nuclear sites. But Khosrow Semnani, an Iranian-American scientist and philanthropist who lives in Utah, warns a military strike against Iran would kill thousands and expose many thousands more to toxic fallout. On Monday, Semnani joins us to talk about human cost of a military option in Iran.